Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just Sell What Lots Of People Buy

Here are some practical step by step, word by word from the title above.
Let us start with the last word in the phrase.
1. BUY
You want one kind of visitor in this business - a buyer.
As nice as it might be to have a "high-traffic site" with some crazy traffic graphs in Google Analytics - at the end of the day, who really cares unless they made you money?
I do not know about you, but I am not in this business for the charity. I donate my own money as appropriate - but my websites sure better be profitable!
And so I target buyers.
People with credit card in hand, looking for the order form - NOT just "information".
In terms of building affiliate sites, this means that I focus on product-related keywords and keyphrases. People searching for products do so to research and "make sure" about a purchase decision, in most cases. And some are literally searching for the order form.
A small percentage do so for other "non-buying" reasons, but the majority are either on the verge of buying and in need of a little "push" - or they're simply looking for the place to insert their credit card number because of previous research.
Why it is not rocket science:
Just build a site that includes info-pages and/or reviews for the popular products in your target niche and make it VERY EASY for the visitor to get to the vendor's site...
...through your affiliate link, of course!
How hard is that?
For the longest time, I truly believed that the only "chance" I had to make a good online income is if I could dominate some sort of un-tapped niche.
Finding a "gold mine" niche that had no competitors.
What a load of rubbish!
You can make more money on page 30 of Google's results in a high-demand niche than you can by "dominating" some piddly little untapped micro-niche.
It is true.
By selling or promoting what millions of people buy, that means that you are casting your "fishing net" into a lake that is absolutely TEEMING with fish!
Who cares if you are only collecting a fraction of the fish that your competition does - there is plenty to go around.
And if you target the "buyer profile" keywords, than the competition factor is far less of a barrier than you might think, anyway.
I have sites in ultra-competitive niches getting hundreds of visitors a day that are barely even visible in the SE's - except for a multitude of long-tail & product keywords.
And man, do they pull it down!
So forget what you have heard about 'niche domination'.
Instead, consider the reality of just how possible it is to simply ENTER a massive niche, harnessing the easy traffic due to the sheer demand that exists on the long-tail, the mid-tail, the "product-tail" the "misspelled, unique & crazy keywords"-tail and all the rest of it.
Go after the buyers in ultra-competitive, high-demand markets and just watch what happens when you start building backlinks.
I see so many sites and blogs that could make a KILLING if they would simply place their affiliate promotions more visibly.
But instead, they "hide" all their links at the bottom of their articles.
Or they just get lazy, and put up a banner somewhere - or otherwise "promote" from some dark corner of their site, as if they think that their visitors might get offended if they "over-promote".
What a sad loss for them.
I jam my promos right in my visitor's faces. Front and center.
The first thing they see when *ANY* of my site's pages load is a damn good reason to go and buy something that, in most cases, is what they're already looking for.
This way, I have seen even my "very low" traffic sites make several sales a week - a result of visitor targeting AND effective visitor funneling.
And the profits will explode as your traffic levels increase over time from organic listings.
But you can expect mediocre profits at best if you are afraid of SELLING.
You know, it used to take me MONTHS to roll out a simple 20-page site.
That is because I would over-think, over-plan, over-strategize and "perfect" things to DEATH.
I had have 52 autoresponders lined up, some crazy user-based viral marketing campaigns lined up, and God knows what else.
And in the end - those few alleged "masterpieces" ended up being my worst performers.
Ironically, one of my most profitable sites is absolutely the ugliest, most un-planned DISASTER ever. It sucks. I don't even show it to other marketers, more out of embarrassment than "niche protection".
But it is a classic SEO-friendly, HTML site with targeted title tags, H1 tags and unique content, it sticks the offer right in the visitor's faces, and it has more than 10,000 backlinks.
(It is not in the marketing niche, by the way - none of these types of sites are)
So stop planning things to death.
And no, you do not have to build a list in every niche, and you do not have to orchestrate some master-plan to conquer your niche in 15 days with the world's best marketing plan like your favorite Guru.
Just tap into the existing "buyer traffic" and make some easy commissions.
And then do it again and again.
Then - use those profits to start developing your own products, authority sites, etc. so that you can use this kind of "leech" strategy to fund the development of a business with a rock-solid foundation in a matter of a year or so.
All the while pulling down a full-time income, if you take it seriously enough.
And that's all there is to it.
Like I said - it ain't rocket science
In summary...
Enter into an actual, high-demand niche with millions of buyers.
Anti-adware, acne removal, weight-loss pills, and so on are a few examples of HUNDREDS of other niches that fit the bill.
Set up a simple site that reviews each major product, with maybe a few articles, etc. Put your affiliate promos in the top-fold of the page, FRONT AND CENTER.
Optimize your pages for SEO, targeting the "buyer keywords".
And then build as many backlinks as possible - Google "how to get backlinks" to find out more about that.
Work hard, and monitor your stats closely to see what happens when your site gets indexed and your rankings start to climb.
When the sales start to trickle in, reinvest all your profits to strengthen your rankings, increase backlinks, etc. until you have got some serious SE presence.
The traffic will be roaring in a few months - and so will the sales, if you are in a niche full of buyers.
Then - do it again, and again, and again, and again...
It could change your life.
And it is not rocket-science.

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